Accountability and Commercial Interests - Suggested Points
B. (i) In practice currently, who really decides ‘zoning’, what sites will be chosen for residential building areas, how are those sites assessed and who decides what the actual built environment outcomes will be? Is the level of public engagement and participation in such planning decisions at present adequate? If not, why not – and would you participate more if you knew how?
B (ii). At present, are individual’s and/or commercial interests appropriately balanced as implied in the formalised intentions of Planning Law and do they actually result in ‘Orderly and Proper Planning’ as implied – to produce the best future outcomes for the inhabitants (people of WA) being planned-for?
B.(iii) Enhancing Accountability? How and why do sectional commercial interests apparently manage to intervene so strongly to repeatedly create incomplete and poor quality neighbourhood living environments and have so much influence on residential planning outcome over large suburban areas?